Monday, August 22, 2011

Canada has lost a great man.

This morning Canada lost a great man.

NDP Leader and leader of the official opposition, Jack Layton,  passed away from undisclosed cancer at the age of 61.

I have never cried about a politician, but Jack Layton was a genuine man who lived as he suggested we live. He was passionate, outspoken, charismatic, strong and vibrant. He brought a little bit of hope and humanity back into Canadian politics. Everyone who I know who has met him agrees he was a good person, an everyday person, who rode his bike to work and lived in an older home in downtown Toronto. He was a supporter of all Canadians, gay rights, the homeless, womens rights, and all before it was cool to do so. He never backed down from a fight and never passed up an opportunity to get a witty remark in.

For those of you who do not know of Jack, go find out. Search him on youtube, google, anywhere you can. The world lost something today that I don't think we can even yet comprehend. But, I for one, will remember his passion and his dedication and will not let it die with him.

Give them hell, Jack, wherever you are.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It starts...

On October 2, 2011, I am heading to Europe for a month. I will be backpacking the Mediterranean, including Turkey and Greece, meeting up with friends in Germany and returning to Paris, a city I adore. I am also spending a week in London taking a course at the Vidal Sassoon Academy. As well as for the obvious benefit of making me a better stylist it also allows me to write off most of my trip.

I will be posting stuff here, from my thoughts leading up to the trip, amusing anecdotes while I am on my trip ( including photos and maybe * gasp * video ) and my less amusing thoughts when I am back. This will probably become my regular " What's on my mind " blog at some point, but for now, it is my travel blog.
